This high frame rate camera takes from 840 to over 10,000 frames per second to produce amazing slow motion video at a very low cost.
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fps4000 and fps1000 news and a new video
about 7 years ago
– Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 07:34:58 PM
I have had a lot of questions regarding why I have been developing the new fps4000 model when I have yet to deliver all fps1000 models.
From the outset this project has been one of ongoing development. With hindsight the original kickstarter prototype was clearly not ready for market. From that point I have been trying to get it to market in a form that fulfilled its original promises. At the same time, out of necessity, I have had to keep the company running so it stands a chance of success. The development of such a product for one person has been a huge task. I have tried to get help along the way but have invariably had to learn how to do most things myself. It is not surprising that it has taken so long.
However, through many revisions and sensor developments the design has stabilised and has kept up with developments in the market in general. As well as commitments to fps1000 backers, many of you upgraded to the fps4000 in its various forms, so it made sense for me to develop these models which could satisfy that section of backers while providing the opportunity to offer cut down versions to fps1000 backers.
I have finally got to this stage now. The first fps4000 production batch is being made and I have a cut down design which I will be providing as the fps1000 solution. I expect to be able to ship these in March 2018. It will be using a new sensor which is significantly better than the original one. It shares much of the hardware with the fps4000 but will utilise lower density memory parts which were already purchased soon after the kickstarter.
I know this is extremely late but throughout the process I have been single-mindedly moving towards a solution. I apologise once more for the delays but assure you that I will continue my efforts.
Below is a link to the first video made on the fps4000. It is not perfect but shows the potential of the product. I wanted to produce something that suited the target market for this camera and that shows the advantage of a long record time in a time-critical shoot.
Some of the sequences would not be possible on most high speed cameras as they are 10s of seconds in length. I was able to record a couple of minutes of high speed video in a time-limited shoot (the performer was hired for 1 hour) and worry about editing afterwards. The street sequences were also taken over about half an hour of elapsed time. Back in the edit room all clips were transferred to a PC using the high speed USB3 interface and the transfer program provided with the camera. During the transfer process the program produces a real time output (ie not slow motion so the entire 2 minutes lasted 2 minutes). This allowed me to quickly look through the recording to find which clips I wanted. Then I knew which detailed sections to copy over to the editing suite. Without this facility it is incredibly difficult to look through hours of slow motion playback to find interesting sections!
The images were exported from the camera in raw format and converted into jpgs in the transfer program for import into Premiere Pro which was used for editing the final sequence.
The speeded up sections were done easily in Premiere Pro using its standard functions. During the edit all frames were available - that consisted of over 200,000 frames.
The clips were edited to the sound track which I commissioned specially for the shoot. Finally the entire sequence was colour corrected in Premiere Pro to balance light and colour balance for the various different clips which were filmed on different days and at different locations.
All of this would apply equally to the reduced fps1000 versions. The fps4000 just does this at a higher resolution.
New Products fps2000 and fps4000
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 06:36:48 PM
It has been some time since my last update. In hindsight I did not choose the title of that update very wisely. My use of the term ‘closure’ was meant to mean ‘resolution’ rather than an ending of the project. Indeed, I have been continuing to develop the fps1000 and to find a way to satisfy initial backers. I have gone some way towards this but I know I have a long way to go. I want to bring you some good news, at least for those of you who have been waiting for the Hex and 4K upgrades. The new product range which incorporates these models is now complete. I have been through many iterations of this new product and have been disappointed by 2 ranges of sensors which I had selected before settling on a new and final range of sensors that offer significantly better performance than originally expected.
While this process has taken longer than I ever imagined, it has allowed the product to mature and take on board many lessons I have learned along the way. The new products do pack in a lot of performance for the cost and also provide a wide range of resolutions and frame rates thanks to a highly modular design.
The trademark USPs of the fps1000 range are still there, namely:
Portable design with touch screen
Raw file format
High speed USB3 interface
Unique huge frame buffer memory
There are a total of 6 new models split across 2 product names but all based on the same modular hardware. I have not decided on final prices / upgrade options yet. I have several working prototypes and the boards are in their final revisions and ready for production.
I will bring you final prices and sample videos in the next update.
fps2000 and fps4000 Range Specifications
Thank You
about 8 years ago
– Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 04:43:19 PM
Just a quick update to thank you all for your emails regarding my last update. I am very humbled by your kind messages of support and will take on board all criticisms and suggestions going forward. I am replying to every email individually.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
about 8 years ago
– Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 10:00:40 PM
I think it’s time to bring some closure to this project. I receive daily messages, some sympathetic, some supportive and some impatient and angry. I can understand this - I’ve backed many projects on kickstarter as well and have received very few of them. We are all aware of the risks when we back projects but most of us enter into this in a positive way in order to be part of something exciting. I think this project is very exciting and I acknowledge that I would not have got it off the ground without your help both financially and through your advice. It is through you that I have learnt about cameras, and the beauty of nature in slow motion. Some of you have inspired me with the results you have produced with my cameras.
But I will not be accused of scamming or behaving in anything other than a professional and honourable way. I have spent all of my time and a lot of my own money in trying to honour my promises. I will continue to do so. When you ask me for timescales then I give my best estimates. But many things are beyond my control and I do not like to be accused moving the goalposts.
But many of you need closure and I know I certainly do. I need to be able to continue with development without negative energy from angry backers.
I have spent so much time over the last 2 months, and over the 2 years before that, trying different ways to get the product to market. Some things have worked out, some haven’t. I have failed in my most recent attempt to get the Silver orders out. So this is the situation: I have all but given up trying to put together the Silver and Gold spec cameras. And I feel that many of you have run out of patience in allowing me to continue trying. This is not without spending a lot of money on parts and even more time in development. I have all the sensors and memory to make all the boards that I need. But I am not prepared to send out any old rubbish in an attempt to fob backers off. The problem is the sensors used on those cameras have very disappointing characteristics. They are noisy and do not perform some of the functions as promised by the manufacturer. In addition it is very difficult to get support from the manufacturer. For this reason I switched supplier for the newer products to one that can produce quality sensors and provide the large amount of support that a project like this requires.
I have committed a large part of my time over the past 3 years in trying to establish a brand and company to produce leading edge high speed cameras and will continue to do so. I have already apologised a number of times to backers and I do so again. I have always had the best intentions in what I have done. Most projects that reach this stage being unable to supply just disappear and backers have to walk away. I am not prepared to do that.
So I am proposing the following:
For those that have given up or lost patience then I will endeavour to refund your money. It is not fair that you should lose out in that way. The reason I say endeavour is that if everyone asked for a refund then I do not have sufficient funds to do this instantly but will still attempt to do so over time. All of the money put into the project originally plus a lot more has been invested in components and development costs.
For those of you who still want to receive your camera then I will provide an alternative based on the new sensors I am using. These are significantly more expensive and higher performance than the original ones. I am still trying to work out the cheapest way to do this but with my experience now of the memories and other parts used to manufacture this camera I believe I can come up with a sensible compromise. For Silver customers this may involve an additional contribution from you as I will not be able to fund all of the added cost. But it will give you a camera equivalent to the newest fps1000HD at a fraction of the normal price. I do want to compensate you for your long wait.
As I have said, I would like to bring some closure to this process in a positive way. I would like to hear your comments and opinions as to what you would like to do. So please email me at [email protected] to tell me which of the above options interests you and whatever comments you wish to make. Feel free to vent your anger by email. I won’t be responding to comments posted here. Each of you is an individual and I respect your voice. I won’t participate in a witch hunt. I will respond to every email but please be patient.
This applies only to the original Silver, Gold and Platinum fps1000 cameras. The fps1000HD is now in production and shipping.
Thank you for listening and for your support.
Production Status
over 8 years ago
– Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 05:33:09 PM
I have just posted an update on the fps1000HD project. I have received funds from the new kickstarter which has allowed me to place orders for the production of more cameras. As promised, this also means I am able to increase the production rate of cameras to satisfy original backers of this project.
I thank you for your ongoing patience and will continue to work towards fulfilling your orders.